im african,passionate,generous,ambitious,focused.i will handle my manly responsibilities.i fear only the Lord.i will treasure my woman always.i will not back out in face of any difficulty.i always conquer adverse situations.after we have met the minimum physical perequisites, 1 believe,fondness, genuine likeness&love can be developed if were absolutely open minded& sincerely cummunicate EVERYTHING with each other leaving all falsehood in every form &guise behind.i hate emails&chats and will love to physically meet with my woman asap.hide nothing from me.hold nothing from me cos i wil do the same.i know how my life will end-as a pastor.IM NOT HERE TO PLAY GAMES SO KEEP OFF IF U ARE i wont deceive myself,u've got to be lovely,good lips,lovely dentition,shapely.positively strong willed/minded.knows her rights in christ.has all it takes to live for the devil but she deliberately ,consciously chooses to live for Jesus.she takes decisions alone,trusting only in the lord and relying not on family or peers for delicate advise.